Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Sports Knee Injuries, Symptoms And What To Do

The ligaments of the knee may be stretched (strained), partially torn (sprained), or completely torn (torn ligament). Unlike the ankle, torn ligaments in the knee need to be repaired surgically as soon as possible after the in-jury occurs. If surgery is delayed, the operation is more difficult and less likely to be successful. For this reason, the approach to knee injuries is more cautious than for ankle injuries. If there is any possibility of a torn ligament, go to the doctor. Fractures in the area of the knee are less common than around the ankle and need to be cared for by a doctor.

Significant knee injuries usually occur during a sports activity, when the knee is more likely to experience twist-ing and side contact; these are responsible for most ligament injuries. (Deep knee bends stretch knee ligaments and may contribute to knee injuries; they should be practiced cautiously, if at all.) Serious knee injuries occur when the leg is planted on the ground and a blow is received to the knee from the side. If the foot cannot give way, the knee will. There is no way to totally avoid this pos-sibility in athletics. The use of shortlOr spikes and cleats help, but elastic knee supports and wraps give virtually no protection.

When ligaments are completely torn, the lower leg can be wiggled from side to side when the leg is straight. Compare the injured knee to the opposite knee to get some idea of what amount of side-to-side motion is normal. Your examination will not be as skilled as that of the doc-tor, but if you think that the motion may be abnormally loose, see the doctor.

If the cartilage within the knee has been torn, the normal motion of the knee may be blocked, preventing it from being straightened. Although a torn cartilage does not need immediate surgery, it de-serves prompt medical attention. The amount of pain and swelling does not in-dicate the severity of the injury. The ability to bear weight, to move the knee through the normal range of motion, and to keep the knee stable when wiggled is more important. Typically, strains and sprains hurt immediately and continue to hurt for hours and even days after the injury. Swelling tends to come on rather slowly over a period of hours, but may reach rather large proportions. When a ligament is completely torn, there is in-tense pain immediately, which subsides until the knee may hurt little or not at all for a while. Usually, there is signifi-cant bleeding into the tissues around the joint when a ligment is torn so that swelling tends to come on quickly and be impressive in its quantity. The best pol-icy when there is a potential injury to the ligament is to avoid any major activ¬ity until it is clear that this is a minor strain or sprain. Home treatment is in-tended only for minor strains and sprams.

Home Treatment

RIP is again the key word-rest, ice, and protection. Rest the knee and elevate it. Apply an ice pack for at least thirty minutes to minimize swelling. If there is more than slight swelling or pain, despite the fact that the knee was immediately rested and ice was applied, see the doctor. If this is not the case, apply the ice treatment on the khee for thirty minutes and then off for fifteen minutes for the next several hours. Limited weight bearing may be attempted during this time with a close watch for increased swelling and pain. Heat may be applied after twenty-four hours. By then, the 'knee should look and feel relatively normal, and after seventy-two hours this should clearly be the case. Remember, however, that a strain or sprain is not completely healed for four to six weeks and requires protection during this healing period. Elastic bandages will not give adequate support but will ease symptoms a bit and remind the patient to be care¬ful with the knee.
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Saturday, September 12, 2009

Insect Bites or Stings Symptoms And What To Do

Most insect bites are trivial, but some insect bites or stings may cause reactions either locally or in the basic body systems. Local reactions may be uncomfortable but do not pose a serious hazard. In contrast, systemic reactions may occasionally be serious and may require emergency treatment.

There are three types of systemic reactions from insect bites. All insect bites are rare. The most common is an asthma attack, causing difficulty in breathing and perhaps audible wheezing. Hives or extensive skin rashes following insect bites are less serious but indicate that a reaction has occurred and that a more severe reaction might occur if the patient is bitten or stung again. Very rarely, fainting or loss of consciousness may occur after insect bites. If the patient has lost consciousness, you must assume that the collapse is due to an allergic reaction from insect bites. This is an emergency. If the patient has had any of these reactions in the past from insect bites, he or she should be taken immediately to a medical facility if stung or bitten.

Bites from poisonous spiders are rare. The female black widow spider accounts for many of them. This spider is glossy black with a body of approximately one-half inch in diameter, a leg span of about two inches, and a characteristic red hourglass mark on the abdomen. The black widow spider is found in woodpiles, sheds, basements, or outdoor privies. The bite is often painless, and the first sign may be cramping abdominal pain. The abdomen becomes hard and boardlike as the waves of pain become severe. Breathing is difficult and accompanied by grunting. There may be nausea, vomiting, headaches, sweating, twitching,
shaking and tingling sensations of the hand. The bite itself may not be prominent and may be overshadowed by the systemic reaction. Brown recluse spiders, which are slightly smaller than black widows and have a white "violin" pattern on their backs, cause painful bites and serious local reaction but are not as dangerous as black widows.

If the local reaction to an insect bite or sting is severe or a deep sore is developing, a physician should be consulted by telephone. Children frequently have more severe local reactions than adults.
Tick bites are common. The tick lives in tall grass or low shrubs and hops on and off passing mammals, such as dogs. Ticks will commonly be found in the scalp.

Home Treatment And What To Do For Insect Bites And Sting

Apply something cold promptly, such as ice or cold packs for insect bites. Delay in application of cold results in a more severe local reaction. Aspirin or other pain relievers may be used. Antihistamines, such as Chlortrimeton or Benadryl, can be helpful in relieving the itch somewhat. If the reaction from insect bites is severe, or if pain does not diminish in forty-eight hours, consult with the physician by telephone.
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Friday, September 11, 2009

Pain in Wrist, Elbow Pain, Pain In Shoulder Symptoms Home Treatment

The ligaments of these joints may be stretched (strained) or partially torn (sprained), but complete tears are rare. Fractures may occur at the wrist, are less frequent around the elbow, and are uncommon around the shoulder. Injuries to wrists and elbows occur most often during a fall, when the weight of the body is caught on the outstretched arm. Injuries to the shoulder usually result from direct blows.

The wrist is the most frequently injured of these joints. Strains and sprains are common, and the small bones in the wrist may be fractured. Fractures of these small' bones may be difficult to see on an X-ray. The most frequent fracture of the wrist involves the ends of the long bones of the forearm and is easily recognized because it causes an unnatural bend near the wrist. Physicians refer to this as the "silver fork deformity."

"Tennis elbow" is the most frequent elbow injury; if you think this is the problem, consult Tennis Elbow. Other injuries are much less frequent and usually result from falls, automobile accidents, or contact sports. A common problem in children under five years of age is minor dislocations due to pulling on the arm.

The collarbone L-clavicle is a frequently fractured bone; fortunately, it has remarkable healing powers. An inability to raise the arm on the affected side is common; the shoulders may also appear uneven. Bandaging is the only treatment required.
The shoulder separation often seen in athletes is perhaps the most common injury of the shoulder. It is a stretching or tearing of the ligament that attaches the collarbone to one of the bones that forms the shoulder joint. It causes a slight deformity and extreme tenderness at the end of the collarbone. Sprains and strains of other ligaments occur but complete tearing is rare, as are fractures. Dislocations of the shoulder are rare outside of organized athletics but are best treated early when they do occur.

In summary, severe fractures and dislocations are best treated early. These usually cause deformity, severe pain, and limitation of movement. Other fractures will not be harmed if the injured limb is rested and protected. Complete tears of ligaments are rare; strains and sprains will heal with home treatment.

Home Treatment and Remedies for Pain in Wrist, Elbow Pain, Pain In Shoulder

RIP is the key word-rest, ice, and protection. Rest the arm and apply ice wrapped in a towel for at least thirty minutes. If the pain is gone and there is no swelling at the end of this time, the ice treatment may be discontinued. A sling for shoulder and elbow injuries and a partial splint for wrist injuries will give protection and rest to the injury while allowing the patient to move around. Continue ice treatment for thirty minutes on and fifteen minutes off through the first eight hours if swelling appears. Heat may be applied after twenty-four hours. The injured joint should be usable with little pain within twenty-four hours and should be almost normal by seventy-two hours. If not, see the doctoror. Complete healing takes from four t-o six weeks and activities with a likelihood of reinjury should be avoided by the patient if possible during this time.
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Saturday, September 5, 2009

Understand Sore Throat Causes, Symptoms and Home Remedies

Sore throats can be caused by either vi­ruses or bacteria. Often, especially in the winter, breathing through the mouth can cause drying and irritation of the throat which maybe one of symptoms of strep throat infection. This type of irritation always subsides quickly after the throat becomes moist again.

Viral sore throat strep, like other viral infections, cannot be treated successfully with antibiotic for strep; they must run their course. Cold liquids for pain, and aspirin or acetaminophen for pain and fever are often helpful. Older children and adoles­cents frequently develop a viral sore throat known as infectious mononucleosis or "mono." Despite the formidable sound­ing name of this illness, complications seldom occur. The "mono" sore throat is often more severe and is often prolonged beyond a week, and the patient may feel particularly weak. The spleen, one of the internal organs in the abdomen may en­large during mononucleosis; resting will be important. A viral sore throat that does not resolve within a week might be caused by the virus responsible for mono­nucleosis. Again, there is no antibiotic cure for mononucleosis.

Virtually all sore throats caused by bacteria are due to the streptococcal bac­teria. These sore throats are commonly referred to as "strep throat." A strep throat should be treated with an anti­biotic because of two types of complica­tions. First, an abscess may form in the throat. This is an extremely rare compli­cation but should be suspected if there is extreme difficulty in swallowing, diffi­culty opening the mouth, or excessive drooling in a child. The second and most significant complications occur from one to four weeks after the pain in the throat has disappeared. One of these complications, called acute glomerulo­nephritis, causes an inflammation of the kidney. It is not certain that antibiotics will prevent this complication, but they may prevent the strep from spreading to other family members or friends. Of greatest concern is the complication of rheumatic fever which is much less com­mon today than in the past but is still a significant problem in some parts of the country. Rheumatic fever is a compli­cated disease that causes painful swollen joints, unusual skin rashes, and results in heart damage in half of its victims. Rheumatic fever can be prevented by an­tibiotic treatment of a strep throat.

Strep throat is much less frequent in adults than in children, and rheumatic fever is very rare in adults. Strep throat is unlikely if the sore throat is a minor part of a typical cold (runny nose, stuffy ears, cough, and so on).

If you or someone in your family has had rheumatic fever or acute glomerulo­nephritis, preventive use of antibiotics ("prophylaxis") as prescribed by the phy­sician should be followed instead of the instructions given here.

The choice of when to use antibiotics for sore throats is controversial. Many physicians believe that throat cultures are the best way to determine the need for antibiotics; this is a reasonable ap­proach, especially if throat cultures are available without a full office visit. More recently, physicians have begun to rely on studies that indicate that many pa­tients do not need a culture, either be­cause the risk of rheumatic fever is al­most nil, or because this risk is high enough to justify the use of antibiotics without waiting two days for the culture results.

We feel strongly that throat cultures should be available without a full office visit. We are especially impressed with home throat-culture programs which demonstrate that you, the public, can perform this test with somewhat greater yield than the physician's office staff. If your physician believes that every sore throat should be cultured, express your belief that cultures should be easily available and inexpensive. Frequent and recurrent sore throats are common, especially in children between the ages of five and ten. There is no evidence that removing the tonsils decreases this frequency. Tonsillectomy is an operation that is very seldom indicated.

Home Treatment Or Home Remedies for Sore Throat

Cold liquids, aspirin, and acetaminophen are effective for the pain and fever. Because recent information indicates an association with a rare but serious problem known as Reye's Syndrome, aspirin should not be used for children who may have chicken pox or influenza.

Home remedies that may help include saltwater gargles and honey or lemon in tea. Time is the most important healer for pain; a vaporizer makes the waiting more comfortable for some.
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Thursday, September 3, 2009

Get That Colds And Flu Gone In A Day

Most doctors believe that colds and the flu account for more unnecessary visits than any other group of problems. Home remedies for colds and flu are readily available info. Since these are viral illnesses, they cannot be cured by antibiotics or any other drugs. However, there are nonprescription drugs-aspirin, decongestants, antihistamines that may help to relieve symptoms while these problems cure themselves. Understanding home remediesfor colds and flu will greatly help reduce the need to visit your doctor.

There seem to be three main reasons why these unnecessary visits are made. First, some patients are not sure that their illness is a cold or the flu, although this seems to be a relatively small part of the problem they don't understand the symptoms and some home remedies for colds and flu. Most patients state clearly that they know they have a cold or the flu.

Second, many come seeking a cure. There are still large numbers of people who believe that penicillin or other antibiotics are necessary to recover from these problems, but neglect home remedies for colds and flu that can be very effective.

Finally, there are many patients who feel so sick that they feel that the doctor must be able to do something and too lazy to try home remedies for colds and flu first. Faced with this expectation, doctors sometimes try too hard to satisfy the patient. A physician may even give an antibiotic if it is requested, or fail to fully inform the patient as to the limitations of the drugs prescribed. This is understandable; who wants to tell a sick patient that they have wasted their time and money by coming to the doctor? Sometimes we also just need to use commom home remedies for colds and flu.

Of course colds and flu do lead to necessary visits as well. These visits from the complications of colds and the flu, primarily bacterial ear infections and bacterial pneumonia. In very young children, viral infections of the lung may lead to complications. Understanding the symptomps of simple colds and flu will help you decide if you just need home remedies for colds and flu.

Home Treatment Or Home Remedies for Colds and Flu

"Take two aspirin and call me in the morning." This familiar phrase does not indicate neglect or lack of sympathy for your problem. They think this home remedies for colds and flu are not effective. Aspirin is the best available medicine for the fever and muscular aches of the common cold. For adults, two five-grain aspirin tablets every four hours is standard treatment. The fever, aches, and prostration are most pronounced in the afternoon and evening: take the aspirin regularly over this period. If you have trouble tolerating aspirin, use acetaminophen in the same dose. If you want to spend money, buy a patent cold formula, but remember that the important ingredient that "doctors recommend most" is aspirin; check labels for equivalent dosage. Because recent information indicates an association with a rare but serious problem known as Reye's Syndrome, aspirin should not be used for children who may have chicken pox or influenza.

"Drink a lot of liquid." This is insurance. This is one of the most effective home remedies for colds and flu. The body requires more fluid when you have a fever. Be sure you get enough. Fluids help to keep the mucus more liquid, and help prevent complications such as bronchitis and ear infection. A vaporizer (particularly in the winter if you have forced-air heat) will help liquefy secretions.

"Rest." How you feel is an indication of your need to rest. If you don't have fever and feel like being up and about, go ahead. It won't prolong your illness, and your friends and family were exposed during the incubation period, before you had symptoms. Make sure that you also educate your family members of home remedies for colds and flu.

A word about chicken soup: dizziness when standing up is common with colds and is helped by drinking salty liquids; bouillon and chicken soup are excellent.

Though right now, there are similarities of Ah1n1 virus infection or swine flu to colds and flu, still, there are some differences between them. again, we have to be familiar of the symptoms and home remedies for colds and flu.
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Monday, August 31, 2009

Oral Poisoning And Food Poisoning Symptoms | What To Do

Oral poisoning, food poisoning and food poisoning symptoms, lets learn what to do.

Although poisons may be inhaled, such as asbestos poisoning, or absorbed through the skin, for the most part they are swallowed. The term ingestion refers to oral poisoning or food poisoning. Most oral poisoning and food poisoning can be prevented when oral and food poisoning symptoms is early detected. Children almost always swallow poison accidentally and we have to be aware of what are the oral and food poisoning symptoms. Keep harmful substances, such as medications, insecticides, caustic cleansers, and organic solvents like kerosene, gasoline, or furniture polish, out of the reach of children. The most damaging are strong alkali solutions such as drain cleaners (Drano and others), which will destroy any tissue with which they come in contact. Watch-out also to the recipes of the food you eat.

Treatment must be prompt to be effective, but accurate identification of the substance is as important as speed. Don't panic. Call the doctor or oral poisoning and food poisoning control center immediately and get advice on what to do if you've notice some food poisoning symptoms. Attempt to identify the substance without causing undue delay. Always bring the container with you to the emergency room. Life-support measures take precedence in the case of the unconscious victim, but the ingested substance or food must be identified before proper therapy can be instituted.

Suicide attempts cause many significant medication overdoses. Any suicide attempt is an indication that help is needed. Such help is not optional, even if the patient has "recovered" from food poisoning symptoms and is in no immediate danger from any ingested poison. Most successful suicides are preceded by unsuccessful attempts.

Home Treatment

All cases of oral poisoning and food poisoning require professional help especially if you can identify food poisoning symptoms. Someone should call for help immediately if you found a patien under food posoning symptoms. If the patient is conscious and alert and the ingredients swallowed are known, there are two types of treatment: those in which vomiting should be induced, and those in which it should not. Vomiting can be very dangerous if the poison contains strong acids, alkalis, or petroleum products. These substances can destroy the esophagus or damage the lungs as they are vomited. Neutralize them with milk while contacting the physician. If you don't have milk, use water or milk of magnesia.

Vomiting is a safe way to remove medications and suspicious plants and other cases of food poisoning. It is more effective and safer than using a stomach pump and does not require the doctor's help if you noticed food poisoning symptoms. If you see food poisoning symptoms, vomiting can sometimes be achieved immediately by stimulating the back of the throat with a finger (don't be squeamish!), or by giving two to four teaspoons of syrup (not extract) of ipecac, followed by as much liquid as the patient can drink. Vomiting follows usually within twenty minutes, but since time is important; using your finger to induce vomiting is sometimes quicker. Or you can try both methods. Mustard mixed with warm water also works. If there is no vomiting in twenty-five minutes, repeat the dose of syrup of ipecac. Collect the vomitus and write the food poisoning symptoms observed so that it can be examined by the physician.

Before, after, or during first aid, contact a physician. Many communities have established oral poisoning and food poisoning control centers to identify poisons and give advice in what to do if you notice food poisoning symptoms. These are often located in emergency rooms. Quick first aid and fast professional advice are your best chance to avoid a tragedy.

If an accidental poisoning has occurred, make sure that it doesn't happen again. Put poisons where children cannot reach them. Flush old medications down the toilet. Be on guard on what you eat. Always check the expiry date of the food you buy in grocrery stores. Make sure you educate the members of the family on what to do when food poisoning symptoms occurs.
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Sunday, August 30, 2009

Cuts, Puncture Wounds and Lacerations Treatment

Most cuts and lacerations affect only the skin and the fatty tissue beneath it. Usually they heal without permanent damage. However, injury to internal structures such as muscles, tendons, blood vessels, ligaments, or nerves presents the possibility of permanent damage. Your physician can decrease this likelihood.

It may be difficult for you to determine whether major blood vessels, nerves, or tendons have been damaged by cuts and lacerations. Bleeding that cannot be controlled with pressure, numbness or weakness in the limb beyond the wound, or inability to move fingers or toes normally call for ex-lamination by a physician.

Signs of infection such as pus oozing from the wound, fever, extensive redness and swelling will not appear for at least twenty-four hours. Bacteria need time to grow and multiply in cuts and lacerations. If these signs do appear, a physician must be consulted.

Stitching (suturing) of cuts and lacerations is a ritual in our society. The only purpose in suturing a wound is to pull the edges together to hasten healing and minimize scarring. Stitches are not recommended if the wound can be held closed without them, since they injure tissue to some extent.

See the doctor if the edges of the cuts and lacerations cannot be kept together, if signs of infection are present, or if the cut and laceration is not healing well within two weeks. Stitching must be done within eight hours of the injury, because germs begin to grow in the wound and can be trapped under the skin, causing it to fester.

Cuts and lacerations on the face, chest, abdomen, back or oral laceration is potentially more serious than hand laceration or one on the legs or arms (extremities). Cuts on the trunk or face should be examined by a physician unless the injury is very small or shallow. A call to the doctor's office will help you decide if the doctor's help is needed.

Facial cuts and lacerations in a young child who drools are often too wet to treat with bandages, so the doctor's help is usually needed. Because of potential disfigurement, all but minor facial wounds should be treated professionally. Stitching is often required in young children who are apt to pull off bandages, or in areas that are subject to a great deal of motion, such as the fingers or joints. Cuts in the palm that become infected can be difficult to treat, so do not attempt home treatment unless the cut is shallow.

Home Treatment For Cuts and Lacerations

Cleanse the cuts and lacerations. Cleaning the wound is very vital to laceration repair. Soap and water will do, but be vigorous. Hydrogen peroxide (3%) may also be used. Make sure that no dirt, glass, or other foreign material remains in the laceration wound. Antiseptics such as Mercurochrome and Merthiolate are unlikely to help, and some are painful. Iodine will kill germs, but it is not really needed and 'is also painful. (Betadine is a modified iodine preparation that is pain-less but costly). Make sure that you make steps to prevent laceration infection.

The edges of a clean, minor cuts and lacerations can usually be held together by "butterfly" bandages or, preferably, "steristrips"-strips of sterile paper tape. Apply either of these bandages so that the edges of the wound join without "rolling under."

See the doctor if the edges of the wound cannot be kept together by laceration stitches, if signs of infection appear (pus, fever, extensive redness and swelling), or if the cut is no-healing well within two weeks.
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Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Effective Home Remedies for Acne, Found

-End The Breakouts

-Eliminate Blackheads

-Reduce Oiliness and Redness

-Remove Most Types of Scars and Acne Marks

-Look Better, Feel Better and Regain Your Self Esteem

Frustrated and still can't see effects in your home remedies for acne? Read my personal and my friend's experience.

Skin disorders are really discouraging to teens and young people. Imagine you have blackheads all over your face and pimples are as red as tomatoes with about to explode pus is really shameful. Acne can give an impression of unclean and dirty. Home remedies for Acne, symptoms and treatments are really whooping over the internet and you seem experiment, but guess what? It gets worse. You get frustrated with all the skin care products and hyped acne
treatments offered all over the mall and in the internet.

Remember, acne is a skin disorder.There must be a disorder in your cebaceous glands. Acne is produce by the disorder.What you need to do is put it back to order.

I would like to ask you if you’ve already done these few steps:

1. What have you done to reduce oil in your skin?

2. Do you go regularly to your dermatologist to remove
blackheads so that every pore will be unblocked?

3. How’s your diet? Do you eat on time and eat balanced meal, specially fruits?

4. Are you taking vitamins and anti-oxidants, such as Vitamin E, that could help rejuvenate your skin?

5. Do you avoid nuts, oily food and chocolates?

I’ve tried this but still, even in my most careful way of taking care of my skin, acne seems to have its way of fighting! Salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide for acne and skin disorder? I tried it,
it didn’t work.

Then I suspected that this is a big business for dermatologists! I’ve even seen some dermatologists to have acne breakouts in face! I have a friend who have acne problem also, what she did is tried every acne products and every home remedies for acne but nothing worked. She said it might be adapalene acne or comedogenic acne. I just wish they're not cysts. So, out of frustration, she went to a dermatologist. The acne and pimples did not go, instead her money
went off because of that expensive program. It was chronic. She almost gave up.

But here’s the most exciting thing…. A week later after that failure, I’ve seen the freshness and glow on her face! What did you do? I asked with excitement. She just smiled and told me that her girlfriend shot an e-mail about a guy who was able to banish her pimples in three days the natural way. Just another home remedies for acne? I asked. She explained to me everything about the acne treatment.

I immediately grabbed my notebook and go online to try the program and see if it has a remedy certification. Eager to see who is the author of that program, it was Chris Gibson, and was featured in FOX T.V. I tried the program, followed instructions and WHOA! This literally works! My acne didn’t go within three days as the promised but it was until the sixth day, maybe because of my stressful work. The breakouts ended. The blackheads, open comedone and excessive oil is controlled. the best thing is that the scars is prevented.

Right now my skin looks better and more supple without fear of chemical reactions.I feel better and regained that lost confidence. I can concetrate more on my work and feel good whenI'm in meeting without worries that people might see my acne. I got a bonus too...the bonus is I saved a lot of money by going back to dermatologist. Thanks to my friend. My acne was permanently cured.

Hey! Still skeptical? This is not just another home remedies for acne. Don’t buy it if you don’t believe me. I understand your concern and frustrations on how to get rid of acne. I’ve been there.

Get the secret now and regain that lost confidence now! Click Here!

By the way, please tell me of your own experience. Thanks!
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Thursday, August 20, 2009

Ear Pain and Ear Infection | What To Do

I experienced one time an ear pain and stuffiness and was scared that I might lose my hearing. I got difficulty hearing and wondering what’s the cause of the pain.

I checked it with my stepmom doctor and here’s what I learned about ear pain. Ear pain is caused by a buildup of fluid and pressure in the middle ear, it’s the portion of the ear behind the eardrum. Under normal circumstances, the middle ear is drained by a short by narrow tube, which they call Eustachian tube into the nasal passages. Often, during a cold or allergy, the Eustachian tube will become swollen shut; this occurs most easily in small children because their tube is smaller. When the tube closes, the normal flow of fluid from the middle ear is prevented and the fluid begins to accumulate, thus, this causes the stuffiness and decreased hearing.
So, what do need to watch out when we have ear pain and stuffiness? Don’t you know that if the fluid begins to accumulate, bacterial infection starts? And that bacterial infection usually results in pain, fever, and decreased hearing.

What are the symptoms of an ear infection?

The symptoms of an ear infection in children may include fever, ear pain, fussiness, increased crying, irritability, or pulling at the ears. Since infants cannot tell you that their ears hurt, increased irritability and ear pulling should make parents suspect of ear pain.

Ear pain and ear stuffiness can alo result from high altitudes as when descending airplane. In this instance, the same mechanism starts when you the plane begins to drop altitude, the Eustachian tube is obstructed. Simple swallowing will frequently relieve this pressure. Closing the mouth and holding the nose closed while pretending to blow one’s nose is another method of opening the Eustachian tube.

Some simple home treatment

Moisture and humidity are important inkeeping the mucus thin. Use a vaporizer if you have one. Curious maneuvers, such as hopping up and down while swallowing can sometimes very successful in clearing the mucus.

Aspirin or acetaminophen will provide partial pain relief to ear pain and ear stuffiness. Antihistamines, decongestants, and nose drops are used to decrease the amount of nasal secretion and shrink the mucus membrane in order to open the Eustachian tube.

If symptoms persists, consult your doctor.
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Sunday, August 16, 2009

Upset Stomach Pain Home Remedies | What To Do

A simple upset stomach is usually caused by many things. You need to identify what’s the cause. The most common is indigestion. You probably had overeaten or you digestive system is not in a good rhythm that may cause an upset stomach. Some people have difficulty of indigestion because of flu while others may have motion sickness that causes their upset stomach. However, heartburn may be a possible cause and the dangerous food poisoning which you have to guard yourself with the quality of food that you eat.

What’s important thing to do before treating an upset stomach is to identify what’s the real cause of the stomach pain. Stomach aches are usually felt together with stomach cramps. Other sign is stomach bloating which is caused by stomach gas which is produced because of stomach acid. Sometimes, it’s followed by sour stomach and turn to diarrhea.

So, what are the upset stomach pain remedies?

1. You make prepare yourself chamomile and or peppermint tea if you think that it’s because of indigestion due to overeating. It relieves the stomach pain is minutes. Chamomile tea for upset stomach is really effective.

2. To some people, they take cola drinks like lime drinks. Sprite or 7-up is good too. I drink them after a good sumptuous sea food meal. This is very good specially for seafood with shells. Lime drinks helps digestion.

3. If it’s due to motion sickness, remove yourself from where you are that causes your upset stomach.

4. Antacids are good for heartburn. What they do is neutralize the acid in your stomach and relieve you from stomach gas which also causes stomach pain.

5. Don’t Smoke, drink alcohol or take over the counter medications such as aspirin and ibuprofen since they make nausea worse.

Something about antacids that you want to know:
Absorbable Antacids: Baking Soda, Alka-Seltzer Gold, Tums for upset stomach pain.
The main ingredient I this products is sodium bicarbonate which neutralizes acid, at least in a test tube. In the human stomach, its action is not so clear. For one thing, it may be absorbed into the walls of the stomach, thus, may not be helping the acid there while in large doses may cause upset of body’s own chemistry. In fact, there may be rebound after taking sodium bicarbonate, that is, the stomach may secret more acid.

Nonabsorbable Antacids: Maalox, Gelusil, Mylanta, Alugel, Wingel, Riopan for upset stomach pain.

The nonabsorbable antacids are an important part of the home pharmacy. They help neutralize the stomach acid thus decrease heartburn, ulcer pains, stomach acids and stomach upset. Since they are not absorbed by the body, they usually do not upset the acid base balance of the body and are quite safe.

Almost of these antacids are available in liquid and tablet form. Well, for me, I would choose the liquid form. It’s because it coats more surface area of the gullet and stomach than the tablets. Indeed, if not well chewed, the tablets will be useless at all. The good thing about the tablets is it’s easier to grab it in your pocket when you most need it.
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What Do If You Have Ankle Sprain

Ankle sprain is one of the most common injuries, not only for the athletes but actually, by non athletic type of people. Women who wear high heels are one of the most prone to ankle sprain. Even the simplest imbalance of posture could make your ankle swell. If you have ankle injury, the first thing you should do is to see to prevent swelling. You have to rest you legs, put ice and elevate it right away. In doing this, you could reduce the swelling of your ankle sprain, fasten it’s healing process. After that, you need to put bandage around your ankle.

Elastic (Ace) bandages are periodically used by any family. You will probably need both a narrow and a broader width. If problems are recurrent, the one piece devices designed specifically for the knee and ankle are sometimes more convenient. All of these bandages primarily provide gentle support, but they also act to reduce the swelling. Elastic bandages should be used if they make the injured part feel better. The support given is minimal and reinjury is possible, despite the bandage. Thus, it is not a substitute for a splint, a cast, or proper adhesive type dressing when these are needed. Perhaps, the most important function of these bandages is as a reminder to you that you have a problem so that you re less likely to reinjure the part.

Support should be continued well past the time of active discomfort to allow complete healing and to help prevent injury; this usually requires about six weeks. During the latter part of this period, use of the bandages maybe discontinued except during activities that will likely stress the injured part. Remember, that reinjury is still possible while these bandages are being used.
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Sunday, August 9, 2009

Use Selsun Blue For Skin Fungus Or Fungal Infection

I made a posting last week about what to do if you got skin fungus or fungal infection. I didn’t mentioned about what happen to my own experience about this. Since people shot me some e-mails asking if I personally experienced using Selsun Blue for skin fungus and fungal infection, I thought of posting my own shameful experience on how I get rid of skin fungus and fungal infection using Medicated Selsun Blue

Three weeks ago, I enjoyed the gym and jogging. I noticed in between my toes that I’m having this itchy thing in my toe. I checked it and… Oh my! I have fungal infection in my toe. My stepmom doctor told me that my skin fungus and fungal infection were caused by rubbing my toe against inside side of the shoes while I’m jogging or doing some exercises and when it has moist, skin fungus grows. This fungus of the foot is usually picked up when walking barefoot over wet floors around swimming pools or locker rooms.

She recommended to buy Selsun Blue and topically apply it on the skin infection. I went online to order Selsun Blue, with one day shipping because I don’t want my skin fungus to get worse. As soon as I receive it, I applied it liberally in and around the fungal infection three time a day. I could smell the menthol aroma of the medicated Selsun Blue. Selenium Sulfide <1%> is the main active ingredient of Selsun Blue as I noticed in the label. Some friends chuckles when they see a blue thin layer. They jokingly asked, “Did you do some painting today?” I told them that this is an inexpensive way to get rid of skin fungus by using Selsun Blue.

After a week I noticed that toe skin got smoother and the flakes and rushes was gone. Skin fungus and fungal infection was slowly going away. I continued to medicate it with Selsun Blue for another week and it’s now completely gone.

I personally recommend to use Selsun Blue to skin fungus of fungal infection. It works. If the infection and symptoms continues, consult your dermatologist.
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Thursday, August 6, 2009

How To Remove Warts on Hands

Warts on hands are a curious little problem. There’s nothing more embarrassing if you have warts on hands. Though, warts can also occur in other part of the body but when it is exposed, you will have to wear gloves to hide it! The capricious way in which they form and disappear has led to countless myths and home therapies. Warts on hands and other parts of the body can be surgically removed, burned off, or frozen off, but warts can also go away by themselves or after treatment by hypnosis.

Warts on hands and body are caused by a virus and are a reaction to minor local viral infection. If you get one, you are likely to get more. When one disappears, the others often follow. The exception is what we call the plantar warts which often occur on the sole of the foot which will not go away by themselves, and not always with home treatment; a physician maybe needed.

There another kind of warts that appears in genital areas, the genital warts. My stepmom doctor said that most of genital warts are caused by Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection. There could be more than a hundred kinds of warts but are mostly harmless but some 30 of them are spread through sexual contact.

There are also warts that occur in our body. Direct contacts to people with warts can easily spread to other person. Warts can also contaminate from person to person when you share towels or shirts. There are warts that could spread through the air. Some could also spread through swimming pools.

To remove warts on hands and other parts of the body, there are over the counter chemicals for treatment of warts are moderately effective. They contain a mild skin irritant and by repeated application, the top layers of the wart are slowly burned off and eventually, the virus is destroyed. You can just apply it on your warts on hands and by repetition for a week or two it will just go away.

Use the chemicals with much care if applied near the eyes and mouth.
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Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Sunburn Remedy, What To Do To Prevent It

Sun burns are very common nowadays especially that our ozone layer is getting thinner and thinner. Sunburns can be prevented though with the use of new effective products that will allow you to spend much time in the sun and enjoy the beach without worries that you’ll get toasted.

Summer time vacation gives us the opportunity to spend time with or love ones but getting sunburns afterwards if you’re not careful will give you a lot of headaches in the latter time.
Dermatologists continually remind us that the sun is bad for the skin because of sunburn.

Exposure to the sun accelerates the skin aging process and increases the chance of skin cancer. Advertisements on the other hand, continually extol the virtues of a suntan and a lot of money has been spent much of our youth trying to achieve a pleasing skin tone with disregard for the latter consequences of solar radiation due to sunburn. The sun screen agents can be used to prevent burning but allow you to be in the sun. If the skin is usually sensitive to the sun’s effects, makes you a very good candidate for sunburn, a more complete block of the rays is provided by Block-out and Paba-Film, while Pabonal and Pre-Sun block out virtually all rays. Suntan lotions that are not sunscreen agents block relatively little solar radiation and might not prevent sunburn.
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What To Do When You Have Skin Fungus and Fungal Infections

It is so irritating to feel very itchy when you have skin fungus or fungal infections. What’s more embarrassing when you want to scratch it badly when you’re in front from people or probably making a presentation report and suddenly your skin fungus or fungal infection irritates?

I f you’re an active person, probably an athlete, it normal to have skin fungus and fungal infections from time to time usually between your toes. It’s because these areas usually becomes moist because of perspiration. If you usually wear closed shoes, then you’re likely a candidate for skin fungus and fungal infections.

Fungal infections and skin fungus are not serious, so treatment is not urgent. In general, the fungus needs moist undisturbed areas to grow and will often disappear with regular cleansing drying and application of a powder to keep the area dry. Cleansing should be performed twice daily.

I f you need medication, there are effective non-toxic agents available in the market. For athletes foot and other skin fungus, use one o the zinc undecylenate creams or powders such as Desenex. In difficult cases, tolnaflate,( Tinactin) is very effective. This agent is useful for almost all skin infection, particularly those causing patchy loss of skin color, selenium sulfide, Selsun Blue, is often quickly effective. It is sold as a shampoo, but you can use it as a medical cream to treat your skin fungus or fungal infections.

For athlete’s foot, use as directed on the label. For other skin fungus problems, selenium sulfide is available by prescription in a 2.5% solution. Over the counter, a 1% solution is available as Selsun Blue Shampoo. Use the shampoo as a cream and let it dry on the lesions where your skin fungus or fungal infection usually appears; repeat several times a day to compensate for the weaker strength.

Side effect are very few. Selenium sulfide can burn the skin if used to excess, so decrease the application if you notice any irritation. Selenium may discolor hair and will stain clothes. Be very careful when applying any of these products around the eyes and don’t take them by mouth. Skin fungus and fungal infections on a very sensitive areas in genitals, inside the ears or near the eyes must be consulted to a dermatologist first for proper treatment.

I usually wear flip-flops after workout or after playing to keep myself dry. Make sure you take a shower after exercise and wash thoroughly to prevent skin fungus and fungal infections. If you're from the office, make sure you wash your feet and keep it dry when you arrive home to avoid skin fungus and skin infections.

Keep healthy.
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Monday, July 20, 2009

Got Sweets Craving And Yet You're Diabetic?

Insulin does two role in our body that we can't live without and yet, it is the root of many problems today which one of them is diabetes. It's role is to regulate sugar in our body including fat and protein into our cell to help repair our cells and replenish used energy.

Now, when you eat an amount of food, it will be converted into sugar or glucose and enter into blood streams. Then your sugar level will rise and the brain will signal for the pancreas to secret insulin to regulate the blood sugar level.

If you eat too much of any food, especially carbohydrates (starch and sugar) the levels of glucose in the blood rise to very high levels. In turn this triggers a large release of insulin from the pancreas. Your cells will take what they need and then insulin will begin the process of converting the excess glucose, fat and protein into fat and then put it all away in your fat cells. By combining foods the right way for your body, you will maintain optimum levels of insulin throughout the day.

Experts says that the best way to control insulin and fight sugar cravings is to eat protein snacks when you are hungry or when you have severe "sweet" cravings. Also, try to limit yourself to three carbohydrate-containing meals per day and try to eat vegetables with most meals and snacks.
A particularly good snack is non-fat cottage cheese and salsa. The only vegetables to avoid in the evening are corn, yellow or orange squash, peas, beets and carrots. They have high simple carbohydrate (sugar) content.

Good natural sources of protein for meals or snacks are:

Chicken breast
Lean Pork
Lean Steak
7% or less Ground Beef
Egg whites
Egg Beaters
Non-fat cottage cheese
Non-fat cheese
Non-fat cream cheese
Non-fat sour cream
Fat-free Ham or Canadian bacon

You can also try protein powder and protein bars.

The key is to eat frequently throughout the day and also have a real sweet treat once a week if that will help you stay away from sweets the rest of the week.

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Wednesday, June 10, 2009

AH1N1 Influenza Virus Going Pandemic!

Education and public cooperation is the key to prevent the deadly AH1N1 influenza or swine flu virus to go pandemic. As of 06:00 GMT, 10 June 2009, 74 countries have officially reported 27,737 cases of influenza A(H1N1) infection, including 141 deaths.

We need all to be aware of this. We need to strengthen our immune system and avoid crowded places where migration of people is very likely such as airports, malls and hotels near airports, train stations and bus stations. If you can't avoid them always wash your hands or bring alcogels to disinfect your hands. Drink a lot of water and take double dosage of your daily vitamin C.

The breakdown of the number of laboratory-confirmed cases by country is given in the following table and map.

Laboratory-confirmed cases of new influenza A(H1N1) as officially reported to WHO by States Parties to the International Health Regulations (2005)
Country Cumulative total
Newly confirmed since the last reporting period

Cases Deaths Cases Deaths
Argentina 235 0 33 0
Australia 1224 0 173 0
Austria 5 0 0 0
Bahamas 2 0 1 0
Bahrain 1 0 0 0
Barbados 2 0 0 0
Belgium 14 0 0 0
Bolivia 3 0 0 0
Brazil 36 0 1 0
Bulgaria 2 0 0 0
Canada 2446 4 331 1
Cayman Islands, UKOT 1 0 0 0
Chile 1694 2 1283 1
China 142 0 34 0
Colombia 35 0 10 0
Costa Rica 93 1 25 0
Cuba 5 0 0 0
Cyprus 1 0 0 0
Czech Republic 2 0 0 0
Denmark 8 0 1 0
Dominica 1 0 0 0
Dominican Republic 91 1 47 0
Ecuador 60 0 0 0
Egypt 8 0 7 0
El Salvador 69 0 0 0
Estonia 4 0 1 0
Finland 4 0 0 0
France 71 0 13 0
Germany 78 0 15 0
Greece 5 0 0 0
Guatemala 60 0 30 0
Honduras 89 0 55 0
Hungary 3 0 0 0
Iceland 2 0 1 0
India 4 0 0 0
Ireland 12 0 1 0
Israel 63 0 9 0
Italy 50 0 0 0
Jamaica 7 0 3 0
Japan 485 0 75 0
Korea, Republic of 48 0 1 0
Kuwait 18 0 0 0
Lebanon 8 0 5 0
Luxembourg 1 0 0 0
Malaysia 5 0 0 0
Mexico 5717 106 0 0
Netherlands 22 0 12 0
New Zealand 23 0 9 0
Nicaragua 29 0 11 0
Norway 9 0 0 0
Panama 221 0 42 0
Paraguay 16 0 11 0
Peru 64 0 3 0
Philippines 54 0 21 0
Poland 6 0 1 0
Portugal 2 0 0 0
Romania 9 0 0 0
Russia 3 0 0 0
Saudi Arabia 1 0 0 0
Singapore 18 0 3 0
Slovakia 3 0 0 0
Spain 331 0 40 0
Sweden 16 0 2 0
Switzerland 16 0 0 0
Thailand 8 0 0 0
Trinidad and Tobago 2 0 0 0
Turkey 10 0 0 0
Ukraine 1 0 1 0
United Arab Emirates 1 0 0 0
United Kingdom 666 0 109 0
United States of America 13217 27 0 0
Uruguay 24 0 7 0
Venezuela 12 0 8 0
Viet Nam 15 0 6 0
Grand Total 27737 141 2449 2
Chinese Taipei has reported 16 confirmed cases of influenza A (H1N1) with 0 deaths. Cases from Chinese Taipei are included in the cumulative totals provided in the table above.
Cumulative and new figures are subject to revision.
Source: World Health Organization
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