Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Alarming Mesothelioma Cancer Rate Increases

I believe we should all take time to consider mesothelioma cancer. We need to be informed about mesothelioma cancer, know the facts so we could prevent it to happen to us and our loved ones because mesothelioma is very hard to control. The National Cancer Institute (NCI) is sponsoring clinical trials (research studies with people) that are designed to find new treatments and better ways to use current treatments. Before any new treatment can be recommended for general use, doctors conduct clinical trials to find out whether the treatment is safe for patients and effective against the disease. Participation in clinical trials is an important treatment option for many patients with mesothelioma.

What is Mesothelioma?

Mesothelioma is a cancer of the mesothelium. The mesothelium is a thin membrane that lines the chest and abdomen and surrounds the organs in these areas. The lining around the lungs is called the pleura and in the abdomen it is known as the peritoneum.

Most people who develop mesothelioma have worked on jobs where they inhaled asbestos particles, or they have been exposed to asbestos dust and fiber in other ways. Washing the clothes of a family member who worked with asbestos can also put a person at risk for developing mesothelioma.

How Common is Mesothelioma

It is reported that incidence rates have increased in the past 20 years, mesothelioma is becoming an alarming kind of cancer. About 2,000 new cases of mesothelioma are diagnosed in the United States alone each year. Mesothelioma occurs more often in men than in women and risk increases with age, but this disease can appear in either men or women at any age.

What are the risk factors for mesothelioma?

Working with asbestos is the major risk factor for mesothelioma. A history of asbestos exposure at work is reported in about 70 percent to 80 percent of all cases. However, mesothelioma has been reported in some individuals without any known exposure to asbestos.
Asbestos is the name of a group of minerals that occur naturally as masses of strong, flexible fibers that can be separated into thin threads and woven. Asbestos has been widely used in many industrial products, including cement, brake linings, roof shingles, flooring products, textiles, and insulation.

What are thesymptoms of mesothelioma?

Symptoms of mesothelioma may not appear until 30 to 50 years after exposure to asbestos.

  • Shortness of breath
  • Pain in the chest due to an accumulation of fluid in the pleura
  • Weight loss
  • Abdominal pain and swelling due to a buildup of fluid in the abdomen
  • Bowel Obstruction
  • Blood clotting abnormalities
  • Anemia
  • Fever
  • Trouble swallowing
  • Swelling of the neck or face

Let's all be take care of our health so as to our loved ones. Share this to them. Take time to know about this dangerous mesothelioma. An ounce of prevention, is worth a pound of cure, what if there is no cure?

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Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Everybody Can Be A Diabetes Candidate

Unlike type 2 diabetes the symptoms of juvenile diabetes may occur suddenly and prove to be dangerous, they are the following:

* Increased urination:- The glucose cannot reach the cells which results into high blood sugar. The kidneys do this by filtering out the extra sugar, which is the reason of frequent urination

* Increased thirst:- Due to frequent urination there is more loss of water from the body which automatically increases the intake of water.

* Increased hunger:- The body glucose is not being used due to insufficiency of insulin which results into increased urge of hunger.

* Weight loss:- When the body glucose is not used for the production of energy since long time, the body starts using fat deposits and proteins which leads to weight loss. Weight loss is too fast as it is a growth period.

* Fatigue:- Due to deficiency of the required energy in the body, we feel exhausted very fast.

* Flu like symptoms:- when the body is weak and running out of the calories that it generally requires, there are much chances of falling prey to small infections.

* Fruity breath odor:- when body fat starts breaking down for the production of glucose it releases acetone and other ketone bodies, which leads to fruity odor from mouth.

* Bedwetting:- particularly, if the child was previously “dry” at night

What is Juvenile diabetes

Juvenile diabetes is an autoimmune disorder which can be due to environmental trigger or virus, which hampers the function of beta cell. Once the beta cells are destroyed the body is unable to produce insulin. It is also believed that Type 1 diabetes results from an infectious or toxic insult to a child, whose immune system is predisposed to develop an aggressive autoimmune response either against molecules of the B cell or against altered pancreatic B antigens, resembling a viral protein. A child with diabetic siblings is more prone to develop juvenile diabetes than the child from a totally unaffected family. It is considered to be a more hereditary problem than excess eating or being obese.
Pancreas produces the exact amount of insulin, to breakdown the sugar produced in the body. The juvenile diabetic lack the production of insulin so, sugar builds up high in the blood, overflows into the urine and passes from the body unused.

It is estimated that about 10-15% in United States are suffering with juvenile diabetes. Approximately 35 American children are diagnosed with juvenile diabetes every day.

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Sunday, February 15, 2009

Hypoglycemia: Do you have the symptoms?

Do you have these symptoms?
· Shakiness
· jerky movements
· Dizziness
· Seizure
· Sweating
· Hunger
· Headache
· Perspiration
· Difficulty speaking
· Difficulty paying attention
· Pale skin color
· Tingling sensations around the mouth
· Feeling anxious or weak
Certain times, due to insulin, diabetic oral drug, alcohol etc your blood sugar level might decrease, while you are sleeping. You can identify it by following symptoms.
· Cry out or have nightmares
· Find that your pants or sheets are damp from perspiration
· Feel tired, irritable, or confused when you wake up

Glucose, we often call it sugar is an important fuel for the body to produce energy. The glucose used by the body as a fuel is released from the metabolism of carbohydrates. After a meal, glucose is produced and circulated to different body cells through the circulating blood. The cells require insulin to take up glucose inside the membrane and generate energy. When there is inadequate production of insulin, glucose metabolism is slowed down and less glucose is circulated in the blood. This condition is termed as Hypoglycemia. It happens to every diabetic patient from time to time and the severity differs in each case. Although you are taking good care of diabetes, hypoglycemia may result as it is mostly an insulin reaction which in turn depends on number of factors at a time.

Counter regulatory hormone like glucagon, another hormone stimulates break down of glycogen and releases glucose, causing blood glucose level to rise, as blood sugar begins to fall.For diabetes, glucagon response to hypoglycemia is impaired, which makes it tough for the body to revert back the normal blood glucose level.

Hypoglycemia can be diagnosed in people with diabetes who take certain medications to keep their blood glucose levels in control. Hypoglycemia is mild and it can be easily treated by drinking or eating something with carbohydrate. But left untreated, hypoglycemia can lead to loss of consciousness. Although it can happen suddenly, hypoglycemia can usually be treated quickly, bringing your blood glucose level back to the normal.

Hypoglycemia is a problem for every diabetic so it is important to learn its causes, signs, symptoms, diagnosis and prevention in order to cope up with it as early as possible.

Practical things to note:

Always bring candy with you or grab a can of soft drink to compensate your lowered sugar level.

Eat on proper time and don’t wait when you’re too hungry to eat your lunch.

Proper rehydration helps regulate your body systems.

Monitor the symptoms when in exercise. When feeling dizzy, try to rest or have some candy.

If the symptoms is getting worse, call your doctor.

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Friday, February 13, 2009

Diabetes: Are You At Risk?

Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a set of related diseases in which the body cannot regulate the amount of sugar (specifically, glucose) in the blood. This currently going like epidemic. Even teenagers are now very prone to diabetes.

I have a cousin who at the age of 30 yrs old he already has diabetes. Diabetes become a common health problem in our current generation. When I was still a on my twenties, I could only hear it from the elderly. Is it because of the kind and quality of food that we eat? Does the modern lifestyle triggers diabetes? My stepmom doctor said, it’s either acquired or hereditary. We need to understand diabetes in order to prevent it if you don’t have it yet or to manage it if you already have it.

Let’s start with the term glucose. Glucose in the blood gives you energy to perform daily activities, walk briskly, run for a bus, ride your bike, take an aerobic exercise class, and perform your day-to-day chores.

What are possible reasons you acquire diabetes?

From the foods you eat, glucose in the blood is produced by the liver (an organ on the right side of the abdomen near your stomach).

In a healthy person, the blood glucose level is regulated by several hormones, including insulin. Insulin is produced by our pancreas, a small organ between the stomach and liver. It secretes other important enzymes that help to digest food.

Insulin allows glucose to move from the blood into liver, muscle, and fat cells, as our body’s fuel.

People with diabetes either do not produce enough insulin (type 1 diabetes) or cannot use insulin properly (type 2 diabetes), or both (which occurs with several forms of diabetes).

In diabetes, glucose in the blood cannot move into cells, so it stays in the blood. It doesn’t only harms the cells that need the glucose for fuel, but it also harms organs and tissues exposed to the high glucose levels.

Both types of diabetes, the signs and symptoms are likely to be similar as the blood sugar is high, either due to less or no production of insulin. In any case, if there is inadequate glucose in the cells, it is identifiable through certain signs and symptoms. These symptoms are quickly relieved once the Diabetes is treated and also reduce the chances of developing serious health problems.

What are the kinds of Diabetes?

Diabetes Type 1:

The pancreas stops producing insulin due to auto-immune response or it could be a viral attack on pancreas. In the absence of insulin, the body cells don’t get the required glucose for producing ATP (Adenosin Triphosphate) units which results into primary symptom in the form of nausea and vomiting. Ketoacidosis appears in the later stage The body starts breaking down the muscle tissue and fat for producing energy hence, causing fast weight loss. Dehydration is also usually observed due to electrolyte disturbance. Lips and tongue gets dry faster than normal. In advanced stages, it could lead to coma and death.

Diabetes Type 2:

Increased fatigue : This is due to inefficiency of the cell to metabolize glucose, reserve fat of body is metabolized to gain energy. It uses more energy as compared to glucose, when fat is broken down in the body, hence body goes in negative calorie effect, which results in fatigue.

Polydipsia : As the concentration of glucose increases in the blood, brain receives signal for diluting it and, in its counteraction that’s when we feel thirsty.

Polyuria: Increase in urine production is due to excess glucose present in body. Our body gets rid of the extra sugar in the blood by excreting it through urine. This leads to dehydration because along with the sugar, a large amount of water is excreted out of the body.

Polyphegia : The hormone insulin is responsible for stimulating hunger. Body produces insulin which leads to increased hunger order to cope up with high sugar levels in blood,

Weight flactuation : Factors like loss of water (polyuria), glucosuria , metabolism of body fat and protein may lead to weight loss. Few cases may show weight gain due to increased appetite.

Blurry vision : It is due to Hyperosmolar hyperglycemia nonketotic syndrome is the condition when body fluid is pulled out of tissues including lenses of the eye, which affects its ability to focus.

Irritability : It is a sign of high blood sugar because of the inefficient glucose supply to the brain and other body organs, which makes us feel tired and uneasy.

Infections : The body gives few signals whenever there is fluctuation in blood sugar (due to suppression of immune system) by frequent skin infections like fungal or bacterial or UTI (urinary tract infection).

Poor wound healing : First, high blood sugar resists the flourishing of WBC, (white blood cell) which are responsible for body immune system. When these cells do not function accordingly, wound healing is not in a good pace. Secondly, long standing diabetes leads to thickening of blood vessels which affect proper circulation of blood in different body parts.

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Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Avoid Scratching Your Groin While On A Date!

(A Valentine Special Series Part III)

It's very annoying to see somebody who keeps scratching his groins. It's embarrassing right? I noticed it a lot of times in many people. Let me share what I read about fungal infections.

Fungal infections of the skin may affect feet, groin, scalp or nails. Fungi grow best in warm, moist areas of the skin such as between the toes, in the groin and the area beneath the breasts.

Athlete’s foot (tinea pedis) is the most common fungal skin infection. Symptoms include cracked, blistered, and peeling areas between the toes, redness and scaling on the soles, and intense itching. It rarely affects children before puberty, if it does, it may resemble eczema. Athlete’s foot often recurs and must be treated again each time.

Jock itch (tinea crusis) causes severe itching and moistness on the skin of the groins and upper thighs. There may be red, scaly, raised areas of the skin that sweep or ooze pus or clear fluid.

Ringworm is a contagious fungal infection of the scalp or body. It is not caused by worms. Its symptoms include round spots that maybe scaly and itchy. it may appear on the torso as a small, red scaly spot that itches and grows until it is about an inch cross. It is more in children than adults.

Fungal infections of the finger nails and toenails cause discoloration, thickening and often softening of the nails. They are difficult to treat and often cause permanent damage to the nails.

Thrush is a yeast infection that occurs in the mouth, especially in babies. It causes a white coating inside the mouth, often the cheeks that it may look like milk but is hard to remove.


  • Keep the feet clean and dry. Dry well between the toes after swimming or bathing.
  • Wear leather shoes or sandals that allow your feet to “breathe”, and wear cotton socks to absorb sweat.

  • Wear thongs or shower sandals in public pools and showers.
  • Keep the groin clean and dry. Wash and dry well, especially after exercise.

  • Teach children not to play with dogs, cats that have a bald of mangy spots in their coats.

  • Don’t share hats, combs, or brushes.

Home treatment

  • Follow prevention guidelines I mentioned.

  • For athlete’s foot and jock itch, use an over the counter antifungal powder lotion such as Micatin or Lotrimin AF. Use the medication twice a week, or two after symptoms clear up. Use hydrocortisone on fungal infection.

  • Ringworm on the body can be treated with one of the antifungal listed above.

When To Call You Dermatologist or Doctor

  • If there is increased swelling and redness or signs of pus.

  • If you have diabetes and develop athlete's foot. You have increased risk and needs professional care.

  • If home treatment fails to clear up athlete's foot or jock itch after two weeks.

  • If there is sudden loss of hairassociated with flaking.

  • If ringworn is severe and spreading.

  • If ringworn is present in the scalp.
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Sunday, February 8, 2009

Don’t Get A Headache On Your Date! You Might Lose Your Patience

(A Valentine Special Part II)

I’m very brave generally, only today I happen to have headache.
Tweedlelum in Alice in Wonderland

I enjoy surfing and reading blogs everyday until I find myself with a headache. I called my Stepmom about it. She advised me to stop whatever I’m doing, stretch and relax. It’s tension headache. She said. More than 90 percent of headaches are caused by tension. Tension headaches are often caused by tight muscles in the neck, back and shoulders. Both emotional stress, such as sitting at a computer too long can cause muscle tension. A previous neck injury or arthritis in the neck can also cause tension headaches, she continues.

What causes it? I asked, while rubbing the back of my neck.

A tension headache may cause the pain all over the head, pressure, or a feeling of having a band around the head. The head may feel like it is vise. Some people feel a dull, pressing, burning sensation above the eyes.

The pain may also affect the jaw, neck, and shoulder muscles. You can rarely pinpoint the center or source the pain.

Ah ok, nodding my head.

She asked, scale of 1-10, what’s the pain level?

I answered four. I hung the phone and this is the rest of what she told me.


  • Reduce emotional stress. The next time you do something that causes headache, take time to relax before and afterwards. Stretch as shown in the picture, to relax your shoulder.

  • Reduce physical stress. Change positions often during desk work and stretch for 30 seconds each hour. Make a conscious effort to relax you jaw, neck, and shoulder muscles.

  • Evaluate your neck and shoulder posture at work and make adjustments if needed.

  • Daily exercise helps reduce or relieve tension.

  • Cut down caffeine. People who drink a lot of caffeinated beverages often develop a headache that is relieved by drinking caffeine.

Home Treatment

  • Stop whatever you are doing and sit quietly for a moment. Close your eyes and inhale and exhale slowly. Try to relax your head and neck muscles.

  • Take a stretching break or try a relaxation exercise.

  • Massage the neck and muscle. Rub gently and firmly toward the heart.

  • Treat your self to a spa for a massage. Regular massage gives you a lot of energy for the whole week and help cope with stress.

  • Apply heat with heating pad, hot water bottle, or warm shower.

  • Lie down in a dark room with a cool cloth on your forehead.

  • Aspirin or ibuprofen often helps relieve the tension headache. However, using over the counter medications too often may make headaches more frequent or severe.

  • If the headache is severe, better call your doctor especially if you have a fever.
If you think this is interesting and you can benefit, subscribe to get future practical things to do to take care of you health.

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Saturday, February 7, 2009

So, You Have A Date?

(A Valentine Special Series Part I)

There's nothing more turning off when you have a bad breath. I could imagine how your date will react when you are in your romantic mood in a restaurant or in a park maybe and you start to talk..eeeewww.. your date keeps a distance from you because of the foul smell when you talk. The bad thing is, you're not aware of it.

What is one of the causes of bad breath? I asked my Stepmom.

It's more likely dental problems, she replied.

What kind of dental problem may cause it? I followed through.

Cold sores she replied.

Cold Sores (fever blisters) are small red blisters that appear on the lip and the outer edge of the mouth. They often weep a clear fluid and form scabs after a few days. They are sometimes confused with impetigo which usually develops between the nose and the upper lip. They fluid that weeps from impetigo is cloudy and honey colored, not clear.

Cold sores are caused by a herpes virus. Most people will get cold sores at some point. Herpes virus (chicken pox is another kind) stay in the body after the first infection. Later, something that triggers the virus causes it to become active again. Cold sores may appear after colds fevers, exposure to the sun, and stressful times. They may also occur during menstruation, sometimes they appear for no apparent reason. This is preventable she said.


• Avoid kissing someone who has a cold sore and avoid direct skin contact with genital herpes sores. Both type of herpes can affect either the mouth or genitals. Use condoms to help reduce risk.

• Use sunscreen on you lips or wear a hat if exposure to the sun seems to trigger the cold sores.

• Reduce stress may help in some cases.

Home treatment

• At fist sign of cold sore, tingling or prickling at the sit, apply ice in the area. It will help reduce the severity of the sore.

• Apply petroleum jelly, (Vaseline) to ease crackling and dryness.

• Paste a made of cornstarch and a little water.

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Friday, February 6, 2009

Active Sex - A Key to Good Health? Yeah....

Make sex the vital root of health and happiness in your daily life. It gives you pleasure. It satisfies you. Above all, it keeps you healthy. You can burn up to 200 calories if you engage in energetic sexual activities. This is just the beginning for when we go into details you will know why your sex life is a very important part of you.

Sex reduces heart disease risks

Take the case of women. Till they are 40, heart diseases are rare amongst them. But once they cross the menopause hurdle, the heart walls thicken, arteries stiffen and women become more prone to heart diseases. Here, an active sex life can make matters easier for you. Researchers at the Queen’s University say that making love three or more times a week helps women as well as men stay away from many diseases relating to the heart.

Improved sense of smell

After sex the production of the hormone prolactin surges. This causes stem cells in the brain to develop new neurons in the brain's olfactory bulb, its smell center.

Weight loss, overall fitness

A vigorous sexual encounter equals to running 15 minutes on a treadmill or playing a spirited game of squash. Sex boosts the production of testosterone which leads to stronger bones and muscles.

Couple Bonding
In marriage the role of sex is only five percent. But it is the important first five percent. A happy sexual life brings couple closer in marriage. It brings sexual satisfaction and emotional happiness and in turn boosts your health.

Sex as a Pain Reliever

During sex the hormone oxytocin is secreted in your body which in turn causes the release of endorphins. Because of these natural opiates sex acts as a powerful analgesic, elevating the pain threshold and helping to relieve the aches of conditions like arthritis, whiplash and headaches.

Sex reduces Stress / improves Sleep and Relaxation

Frequent sex relaxes you. Researchers indicate that couples sleep more deeply and peacefully after satiating sex. At this hour you may be able to let go of distracting thoughts.

Their is more to health than just exercises and a well balanced diet. So partners, make it a point to engage in active love making at least thrice a week as the benefits you mold out of this pleasurable act is truly significant in your healthy life.

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Immunity and the Immune System: Are You Protected?

Since the 1930’s the western diet has dramatically changed. This change is due to the change in farming from the natural farming process which has developed over 1000’s of years to a modern scientific farming which has changed farming into an industry. This food industry is not interested in producing good quality nutritional food for the nation but food that is easy to store and cheap to produce which in tern will maximise profit. This has changed the western diet to concise of high sugar, fat and protein which is low in vital nutrients.

Not only since the 1930’s has the western diet changed but also people’s lifestyles have changed. The over use of antibiotics, stress at work, lack of exercise, excessive consumption of alcohol, smoking, use of recreational drugs, increases in obesity and low nutritional status of food all affect the immune system and are contributing to the increase in degenerative diseases in western societies.

Since the 1930’s over 3500 man-made chemicals have found their way into modern day food, this does not include hormones, pesticides and antibiotics which are in foods such as meat and grains. These chemicals are not only unnatural but stop nutrients being absorbed and used which hampers the body’s action to heal itself.

In the UK today, 50,000 chemicals are released into the environment by industry and 400 million litres of herbicides and pesticides are used. We in the UK consume 83 billion cigarettes, 80 million painkillers, 26 billion alcoholic drinks and a quarter of a million tons of food chemicals. All of this adds up to a nation whose immune systems are seriously compromised. The immune system is affected for better or for worst by the food that is consumed. Foods such as meat, sugar, salt, saturated fats, alcohol, dairy products and processed foods all have a negative affect on the immune system.

People who consume large amounts of meat are more likely suffer from cancer in later life than those who don’t. Meat is high in saturated fats, hormones, antibiotics, pesticides and herbicides. These all compromise the immune system.

White sugar has around 90% of its minerals and vitamins removed which when consumed makes the metabolism become inefficient, contributing to weight problems, poor energy control and unbalanced blood sugar levels.

Alcohol abuse severely compromises the immune system. Alcoholics suffer from malnutrition due to the reduction of food, impaired metabolism leading to weight loss and suffer from toxicity of the intestines. Alcohol is linked to cancer, hypertension, cerebrovascular disease and coronary heart disease. Regular heavy drinking can lose up to 10 years of your life expectancy by aging the liver, kidneys, heart and brain. Too much alcohol depletes the body of the minerals zinc, calcium, magnesium and also the B vitamins.?

Salt causes high blood pressure, irritates the stomach and retains fluid.

Dairy produces especially milk causes allergies and intolerances both in adults and children. Milk is also a risk factor for diabetes.

Foods that are good for the immune system are foods that are high in antioxidants such as fresh fruit and vegetables especially broccoli, watercress, carrots and peas. Eating plenty of fresh fruit, vegetables and oily fish will boost your immune system. Research has shown that people who consume large amounts of fruit and vegetables have less genetic damage which is one of the precursors to cancer.

Consuming fruit and vegetables such as apples, prunes, citrus fruits, cabbage and lettuce which are high in flavonoids will also boost your immune system. Flavonoids are substances found in plants that can protect your body from disease.

Soy beans are high in isoflavones which are one of the most potent anti-carcinogens of all. Soy products are also good at preventing heart disease.

Oily fish contains Omega 3 oils which keep arteries healthy, reduces the risk of blood clots and lowers cholesterol. Fish high in Omega 3 are salmon, tuna, mackerel and herring.?

Including pre-biotic food such as leeks, Chicory root, Jerusalem artichoke, onions, oats and bananas in your diet will strengthen your gut defence system.

Your lifestyle has a huge bearing on your immune system. Pollution, smoking, work stress, lack of sleep, being overweight, lack of exercise and excessive sunbathing all has a negative effect on your immune system.

Pollutants such as pollen, free radicals, household and industrial chemicals, lead, CFCs, carbon monoxide, cigarette smoke, bacteria, pesticides, chlorine, colourants and aluminium are a fact of every day life. These pollutants and toxins have a negative affect on our bodies. The liver, kidneys, skin and bowel are responsible for removing these pollutants and toxins from our bodies. If these organs are working below par due to a suppressed immune system then toxins will remain in our bodies. This will cause allergies and sensitivities and weakening the immune system further.

Stress, repressed anger, depression and chronic worries depress our immune system by reducing the ability of immune cells to form antibodies. It is a well known fact that when we are stressed we are more likely to get ill. Stress increases blood sugar and lipids which contributes to heart disease, infections and cancer.

Being overweight due to lack of exercise and excessive eating can increase the risk of hypertension and diabetes by 10%. Sun bathing uses up anti-oxidants and can age the skin up to 10 years. Too much exposure to the sun can cause skin cancer. Smoking cigarettes uses up large amounts of vitamin C and other anti-oxidants, this can leave smokers vulnerable to cancer and heart disease. Smoking ages the lungs, skin, circulation, heart and can lead to early menopause and osteoporosis.?

Since the 1930’s both diet and lifestyle has changed. Although there is an abundance of food, it tends to be substandard in nutritional value. The lack of nutrition in our food with the addition of stresses of modern day lifestyles is suppressing our immune systems at a time when we need it most. This combination has lead to a rise in degenerative diseases despite western societies spending billions in health care.

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Olive Oil Is Not Just for Popeye!

Archeological records indicate that man has cultivated the olive tree for about 6,000 years; having been especially popular in the Isle of Crete (which as you recall, also appeared in the Seven Countries Study to be the site of the lowest incidence of heart disease). All oils that we use for eating and cooking contain "fat" and olive oil is no exception. However, it is mostly monounsaturated fat as opposed to saturated fat or hydrogenated fat. It can be used as a flavoring for cooking or in salad dressings or as a healthy substitute for butter or margarine. Several large population studies have confirmed that diets with higher amounts of fat of the monounsaturated type reduce total cholesterol and LDL ["bad"] cholesterol levels to the same degree as low fat, high-carbohydrate diets [such as the AHA Step I and II diets]. The additional benefit of olive oil is, as part of a Mediterranean type diet, is that it also has a favorable effect on lowering blood triglycerides [also a factor in heart disease] and maintaining HDL ["good" cholesterol].

In a published study, individuals were randomly assigned to one of three diets: a diet enriched with olive oil, an AHA Step II diet, or an average American control diet. The olive oil and Step II diets lowered total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol to the same degree. However, triglyceride levels fell 13% in patients on the olive oil diet and increased 11% in the Step II diet. HDL cholesterol levels were unchanged in the olive oil diet but decreased 4% in the Step II diet. Remember we want to keep the HDL up as high as possible to reduce heart disease.

Based upon the above information, the authors of the study estimated that the overall risk of cardiovascular disease was lowered by 25% by the olive oil diet and only 12% by the Step II diet. Please note that the cholesterol lowering "statin" type drugs lower risk for a heart attack by about 35%, which is not too much better than the "olive oil" diet alone. In subjects with elevated cholesterols who would benefit from use of statin type medications, additional cardiovascular benefit would then be found by also following a diet with olive oil as a substitute for salad dressing, as a substitute for butter or margarine, and for cooking.

Olive oil apparently has other beneficial effects such as lowering blood pressure, inhibiting the oxidation of LDL cholesterol [the last step before it gets put into your arteries], providing anti-inflammatory effects, and improving insulin sensitivity.

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has recently given manufactures of olive oil and some olive oil-containing food the green light to carry a statement about their potential heart benefits. The claim indicates evidence suggesting that about 2 tablespoons of olive oil per day may reduce the risk of a heart attack. However, to achieve this result, the olive oil should replace a similar amount of saturated fat and should not increase the total daily calories.

The strong taste of extra-virgin olive oil is partly because of the presence of a large amount of "flavonoids", which account for its antioxidant properties that then reduce LDL oxidation. Other foods rich in flavonoids include berries, apples, onions, tea, and red wine (all of which have also been shown to be of benefit in reducing overall heart risk).

Disclaimer: If you are under 18, pregnant, nursing or have health problems, consult your physician before starting any weight loss plan. The information here is not intended as a substitute for medical advice. Please consult your physician before beginning any course of treatment.

by: Dr. John Rumberger

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Heart Attack: Are You At Risk?

If you’re male and you lead an inactive lifestyle you probably have at least 3 risk factors associated with heart disease.

I know, I know, you feel fine but so do most people before they have a heart attack. Unfortunately, most people find out they have heart disease the day they are admitted in to hospital, and they are the lucky ones!

Ladies, don’t think this is just something for men to worry about (as it has been in the past). Women, as well as men, are more likely to die of heart disease than of any type of cancer.

This is because of our modern lifestyle. We are working longer hours, so we eat fast food, and there’s no time for exercise. To make matters worse, machines are taking the ‘work’ out of work. We are less active and it’s killing us!

So what are the risk factors for heart disease?

Firstly, there are two types of risk factors: those that can be changed, and those that can’t be changed. It’s important to know that you only need to have 3 of these to be at risk. Each extra risk factor that you have increases your chance of having a heart attack substantially.

Risk factors that can’t be changed:

Heredity: You are at greater risk if your parents, grandparents, brothers, or sisters, have heart disease.

Gender: Men are at greater risk than women, though the risk for women increases after menopause.

Age: As you increase in age, so do your chances of having a heart attack. Once you reach 40 you should have regular check-ups.

Risk factors that can be changed:

Smoking: A smoker is twice as likely than a non-smoker to have a heart attack. It not only places extra strain on the heart and lungs but also makes blood cholesterol stickier, making it easier to block arteries.

High Blood Cholesterol: Cholesterol is produced naturally by the body and is essential to our health. The problem comes when we consume too much in our diet.

High Blood Pressure: Just like with high cholesterol there are no early symptoms. The first most people learn they have this is when it’s at a dangerous level.

Physical Inactivity: If you are inactive, you are more likely to have a heart attack. Even a 10 minute walk each day can make all the difference.

Obesity: If you are obese, you are placing your heart under a great deal of strain even at rest.

I might be at risk, what should I do?

If you think you could be at risk, the first thing you should do is visit your doctor. Secondly, you need to modify your lifestyle. Exercise for at least 10 minutes per day (30 minutes is better but anything is better than nothing!). You also need to eat foods that are low in fat. If you smoke you need to give up.

Even if you don’t have many risk factors it’s a good idea to visit your doctor each year. Some risk factors can change within a short period of time and getting on to them early can make all the difference.

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